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Sharp scissors, smooth cuts: How to sharpen your scissors at home

Date: 05-02-2024


Maintaining sharpness in your scissors is a crucial yet frequently neglected task that significantly impacts their performance. Regardless of their initial quality, scissors can gradually lose their sharp edge, leading to material tearing or crushing rather than a clean cut. Acquiring the skill of sharpening your scissors not only ensures optimal performance but also prolongs their lifespan, making this a vital practice often overlooked.

Presented is a detailed walkthrough on sharpening your scissors using either our manual or electric Work Sharp sharpeners. It's essential to note that although certain Work Sharp sharpeners may lack a specific scissor angle guide, any abrasive provided can effectively sharpen your scissor blades.

  1. Assemble your materials, including your Work Sharp sharpener and a cloth. If a Work Sharp sharpener is unavailable, a ceramic mug can also be utilized.
  2. Clean your scissors thoroughly by removing any debris or adhered material from the blades. This step ensures a clear view of any nicks or damage and provides a pristine surface for the sharpening process.
  3. Assess the sharpness of your scissors and identify any damaged areas. Conduct this evaluation by snipping a piece of paper from various points on the scissor blades. A sharp pair will cut the paper cleanly without tearing, while any tearing or dullness indicates a need for sharpening.
  4. Initiate the sharpening process on one blade. Hold your Work Sharp sharpener either in your hand or securely on the table. Position the scissors' blade against the abrasive and scissor angle guide. If an angle guide is unavailable, rest the blade on the abrasive at an angle matching the scissor blade's current angle. Glide the blade across the diamond abrasive using a back-and-forth motion, ensuring the entire length receives attention.
  5. Sharpen the second blade using the same technique, matching the angle and pressure applied to the first blade.
  6. Perform a few scissor snips to allow the blades to self-hone, smoothing out any burrs created during sharpening.
  7. Conclude the process by wiping the blades clean with the cloth. Confirm the sharpness by snipping a piece of paper; sharp scissors should cut effortlessly and cleanly through the paper.

By adhering to these instructions, you can maintain the sharpness and optimal state of your scissors. Well-sharpened scissors not only turn cutting into a delightful task rather than a burdensome one but also contribute to saving time and effort in the long term. Don't allow blunt scissors to hinder your progress—take the initiative to sharpen them today and experience the notable difference it can make.

Achieve the quickest and most convenient scissor sharpening with these Work Sharp electric sharpeners, equipped with integrated angle guides tailored for scissor sharpening. Simply click on each image to access the respective product page.


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